Update: 3rd District gets creepy

Check out this story from The Courier Post on a camera-happy Adler supporter. Sign Up For Our Daily Newsletter Sign

Check out this story from The Courier Post on a camera-happy Adler supporter.

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By most accounts Runyan is a nice guy, but something like this could be enough to bring out the man that Sports Illustrated once listed as the second dirtiest player in the whole NFL.

“Mr. Samson, don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t ike me when I’m angry.”

UPDATE:  Runyan’s camp released the following statement a few moments ago demanding an apology from Adler for sending this guy to his house.

“First he blatantly lies about my positions on Social Security and Medicare, then he tells his campaign staff to creep around in the woods outside my house and frightens my eight-year old daughter to the point where she feels compelled to run inside the house looking for her mother,” said  Runyan, who said he was proud of his wife, a former cop, for taking action by calling the cops and following the person back to Adler HQ.  “What’s next?  How much further into the gutter can career politician John Adler go?  I demand today that Congressman Adler publicly apologizes to me and my family for authorizing these slimy campaign tactics.”

So far there has been no response from the Adler camp.

Update: 3rd District gets creepy